Specialized Equipment
The foundation of our approach is based in providing players with a high volume of quality repetitions. All of our specialized equipment is designed in a way that provides players with immediate feedback so that adjustments and improvements can be made repetition after repetition until muscle memory is locked in and able to be called on during the big game.
Auto-Feed Ball Machines - Serves up to 800 consistent balls per hour, for training and measuring consistent first touch control of ground passes, driven passes, and air balls.
Electronic Target Boards - Measures and trains passing and receiving skills, while significantly improving awareness and decision making
Goals with Target Zones - Training players to finish a ball on goal accurately, hundreds of times in one session, with instant feedback to the player on their success rate.
Video Analysis - The Top XI Training Environment allows for the visual analysis of specific techniques and skills of a player. The player, parent, or coach is then able to compare their player, to top players performing the exact same technique or skill.